Friday, February 8, 2008

Cursillo Founder Dies

Feb. 8, 2008

I just read on that Eduardo Bonnin, founder of the lay Catholic Cursillo movement, died in Spain at 90. I count my Cursillo retreat of 2 years ago as a turning point in my life as a Catholic. I found others who sought to make their faith the axis upon which their life turned. And I began joining in weekly "group reunions" in which other cursillistas talked about how they stayed in touch with their God and worked to evangelize their communities. A community can be as small as a home or as large as a blogosphere.
It was on Cursillo that I finally realized that my work outside the home was not the correct path on my journey at that time. And it was on Cursillo that I met friends who truly aided me in my journey -- some of whom I am still in contact with although I have since moved from Memphis to Virginia. So, to Eduardo Bonnin, I say thank you and add this prayer:

"Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and ignite in us the fire of your love. Send forth your spirit and we shall be created and You shall renew the face of the earth."

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