Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ash Wednesday

Feb. 6, 2008
It is a gray Ash Wednesday here with somber mountains as a backdrop to drizzly skies. I have a headache and am very tired because I'm not used to fasting. I should really do it more often. If I did, I might realize what it is like for those who do not have enough to eat. If I did, I might think more often of the people living on the streets here and scratching out a living across the ocean. It is good to do without once in awhile. But how do I translate that penance into true charity - consistent charity? That is what I'm exploring this Lent.
I am so blessed it is hard to believe that I'm ever unhappy or ungrateful. But, oh, I am both and fairly often. My day today was busy -- Mass, piano lessons, speech therapy assessment, taking my husband to the car dealer and the dog to the vet. Routine, middle class errands and yet they say a lot about my life. For one thing, I have the time to do these things. I am not busy working in a factory. It is a blessing to go to Mass more than just on Sunday. And I'm grateful that my kids can take piano lessons. I'm fortunate that the public schools here offer free speech therapy assessments. And I could go on and on. If I could change one thing about myself this Lent it it that I should become truly, constantly grateful for my life.
Here is a quick exchange between Joey and me at dinner, that pretty much made my day.
Joey is a big fan of Calvin and Hobbes.

Joey: "You know what Calvin says you need to be happy in the world?"
Me: "No, what?"
Joey: "Power and money."
Me: "I'm not sure he's right. What makes you happy?"
Joey: Pause "You."
Me: "Well, I don't have any power or money, so I guess he's not right."

And so goes dinner conversation on a night when I did not overeat.

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