Friday, October 26, 2007

Little Flowers

Oct. 26, 2007
Since re-reading "The Story of a Soul," I have been praying a novena to St. Therese of Lisieux for a special intention -- one that was very important to me. And, having read about St. Therese, I know that people who seek her intercession sometimes seek -- or find -- a sign that she is indeed praying with them by the unexpected appearance of a rose or roses.
Well, I was on the lookout here in Virginia in late October for some roses to show that St. Therese was hearing me. When I took the children to noon Mass on Tuesday, I looked hopefully in the chapel garden which has a large fish pond. I decided that the blooms on the lily pads could not count as roses. But then my eye alighted on a single rose on the hill above. When I walked up, I saw that blooming rose bushes surrounded the rectory, and I took heart.
I wonder why we humans need so much reassurance that God cares for us when he has already given the ultimate gift. Yet, we are human, and we need the constant encouragement of our community and the communion of saints in our establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth. So I thank God for the Church. Anyone who says they can do it on their own is fooling himself. I know that I cannot.

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