Friday, October 3, 2008

And so on....

Oct. 3, 2008

So I haven't written for a really long time now, and we have really just had a lot going on. Difficult job, the long-term craziness of moving. Finally getting settled after a year here. Actually, Oct.1 was the anniversary of our baptismal flood here at the house, which welcomed me to SW VA and left me without a kitchen floor for two months. Ironically, that is the feast of St. Therese, the Little Flower.
So here is a question, if there are any actual readers out there: Is it possible to be a good Catholic and vote for Obama? I mean, yes, I'm pro-life, of course. And I'm on a pro-life committee and I do work for it. But, honestly, I disagree with McCain on so many issues including the economy, health care and defense that I find it truly hard to vote for him , either. And I'm not sure Palin is the sharpest tool in the shed. I read some commentary, I think it was on, that said the writer knew of many good Catholics who are not voting at all or are throwing their vote away on a third party candidate because of discomfort with BOTH major candidates. It almost seems as if anyone who is pro-life is blinded by that fact to all other negatives of a pro-life candidate. And that doesn't seem smart either. Ah, well, better to be wise than to be smart. I should pray for wisdom.